Monday, June 6, 2011

Answered prayers

If there's one perk to this place it's the open air balcony with a view.

If you want to know some of the ways your prayers have been answered keep reading.  

With the cancer growth Clara has around her sphenoid bone and optical nerve, vision loss has been a concern. This is why they quickly treated her with 3 radiation treatments on and around those regions to halt cancer growth and hopefully preserve her vision. For the last week and a half we've been careful to note any irregularities. Up until a couple of days ago everything seemed fine then we started to notice her eyes weren't tracking together, sporadically. This morning during the rounds the on-call doctor noticed this issue and ordered a CT scan immediately. 

There was no time for sedation as had been done before so they were just going to use Versed. When we got to the scan room I suggested that we try it without Versed since she has had adverse reactions to it in the past. The ultimate comfort for Clara when all else fails is simply gripping the finger of Brian or I. They laid her on the table and got her situated for the scan. She remained calm and kept a tight grip on my finger while they got everything into position. It is a bit scary for a two year old to have her head sandwiched between supports and have a big machine making sounds similar to a plane taking off surround her head. As she started to get a little uneasy, I started to sing her some of her favorite primary songs. For 10 minutes while they got the images they needed she lay perfectly still! Needing only my finger and my imperfect singing voice. Really a miracle! She wowed all of the people who were behind the glass windows and they praised her perfect behavior. And then I learned that Clara wasn't the only one who could hear me sing. A little embarrassing? Yes! But, even still, worth it. So proud of her! 

More good news: The CT scans shows improvement since her last one 1 1/2 weeks ago! They think the reason she is having some eye issues is because they were starting to decrease her steroid dosage and she probably still has some swelling because of the radiation. So, they are upping the dosage again. If her doctor wants to get a more accurate look she may have an MRI in the morning. 

I don't know what else to say, but...thank you, for your prayers, faith, hope and charity. 


Alicia Leppert said...

That is so wonderful! The power of primary songs (you and I both have had the privilege of experiencing firsthand the impact these songs have on the primary children) is a very real, very powerful thing. I still sing them in my head when I'm feeling scared or anxious, to calm myself down. It always brings me so much peace. I'm sure just to hold your finger, know that she could feel that you were there with her, and hear your voice singing songs that no doubt made her feel the spirit was all she needed to get through it. Better than any sedative. Its times like those, in my opinion, when we as mothers are called to shine. It's what we're trained to do, it's what comes naturally to us. It our time to show why being a mother is one of the highest honors Heavenly Father bestows. The time when he's looking down at his precious child that he's entrusted us with and smiling, knowing he made exactly the right choice. You are that mother right now, Natasha, and there's no doubt in my mind that Heavenly Father is beyond pleased at his choice to make you Clara's mother. You will get her through this. You.

PRP said...


And that was beautifully written Alicia. And all true.

Jan said...

"Music is truly the universal language, and when it is excellently expressed how deeply it moves our souls." -- President David O. McKay

How more excellently expressed than from a mother :)

Nicki said...

Yesterday in church many people shared their testimonies of the power of music. I'm privileged to be the primary chorister and will think of Clara every time we sing. Hearing about her beautiful spirit strengthens my testimony that we are truly children of a loving Heavenly Father. Our prayers are with your family.

Teri said...

Were you with us when we took Jake in a wheelchair to the rooftop helicopter pad to see the medi-vac helicopter? It was wonderful to get some fresh air and a great "field trip" out of the hospital room.
It is always nice to get out of the room for awhile. So glad to hear Clara had a good scan...keep up the singing!

Debie Spurgeon said...

To Clara you sounded like an angel.

Emily Ferrell said...

I am so happy for the little miracle Clara had. What a great missionary experience too even if that is not what you meant it to be. I am sure they will all remember your beautiful voice and some of the words to the songs.

The Price Family said...

I have read your blog mulitple times as my husbands aunt(Sanette Casper) has posted it on her facebook page. My heart aches each time I read an update and I feel as if I can't keep the tears back. Clara is very lucky girl to have such a loving family. I can feel of your love for not just her but your savior through your written words. She is in our prayers. I wish that I could give her a big hug and tell her how proud I am that she is a tough little thing. Stay strong!

AmyDane Designs said...

Gave Brian a big hug yesterday and wished I could hug you too. Kate was such a sweetheart in Sunbeams. :) I love that your sweet Clara is such an angel...keep up the miracles little one. I got some great photos of Chandler at the Wax Museum and would love to send them to you. Can you give me your email? Does Chandler have plans after the last day of school? Thought we could take a few of the 4th graders for ice cream.

AmyDane Designs said...

Opps...this is Amy Cazier. Sorry I am longed under the wrong name. :)

Unknown said...

I am going to bet that rarely has there been any sound more beautiful than that of you, Natasha, singing to your Clara. What an incredible little trooper. Clara has many lessons to teach us. love, Aunt Michele

Kathryn kelly johnston said...

Love what alicia said! Natasha you have taught me so much. You are an awesome mother!!!

LKP said...

am so glad to hear the scan went so well. as for an imperfect voice, i cannot believe that for a moment! i remembering times sitting near or next to you, sometimes even sharing a hymnal, and thinking "gosh i wish my voice was as pretty as tasha's." we'll keep praying. you keep singing! ::hugs::

Dlovesocks said...

So excited for your positive news! And what a great calming effect your singing had for Clara. Nothing more perfect than the voice of a mother singing to comfort her child. I'm sure you're influencing the hospital staff and all around with your example!

Thomasene said...

I have been able to witness the calming affect that music has had on Clara.

Brenda said...

So, so happy to hear this news. Keep the good stuff coming!
Go Clara!!!

Cajsa said...

That's so wonderful Natasha! Don't you just love primary songs? So grateful for all the updates.