Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sunday Dinner 101

My boys are meat and potatoes kind of kids. My grandma taught me these time-saving tips which are a lifesaver for hunrgy boys on Sunday afternoons.

If you do this on Saturday:

*Make sure to refrigerate the potatoes, carrots and roast*

  • Cover the carrots with water after they are sliced.
  • If you want a green salad wash and tear the greens on Saturday as well. Or have your guests bring a salad.
  • Dessert? Make it ahead, or keep it simple with ice cream.
  • You need rolls with your Sunday dinner? After you roll them out cover with foil and freeze them. Before you leave for church, take off the foil and set them out. When you get home they will be ready to bake.

Then you only have to do this on Sunday:


  • Set the table.
  • Put the roast in the oven 5 hours before you will eat at 350 degrees [without the lid], then turn the oven down to 250 degrees and put the lid on.


  • Empty some of the water from the pot of potatoes and add salt. Cook.
  • Same goes for the carrots.
  • Delegate someone to make the ice water.
  • Turn off the oven. Take the roast out of the oven and put it in another dish. Cover with foil.
  • Make the gravy.
  • Mash the potatoes.

Did I cover it all?

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