Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It was the most anticipated birthday to date.  He had his primary class at church counting down, he had his preschool class counting down and you better believe that everyone at home knew how many days till the big day.  And so at 6:30 am on Friday he was knocking away on the wall of his bedroom no doubt summoning for his breakfast in bed.  I went to his room and sure enough, there he was sitting up in bed humming "happy birthday to you" eagerly awaiting his requested Honey Bunches of Oats with strawberries on the side.  And what were the wishes of this five year old on his birthday you might ask?  Go to the egg farm and give a tour to his friend Owen (a tour not to be outdone I understand), play a computer game on dad's computer, borrow the wii from grandma and get a transformer.  All those wishes came true so I suppose it was a success.  And really, it's already been FIVE years?!  We love this boy.


Chelsea said...

Can we still have a birthday party? I missed not having one for my Bado.

tharker said...

I don't even know Baden, but I LOVE him! He is so dang cute and I love his personality. I hope he had a fantastic birthday!

Jami said...

What a great day! Someday maybe we'll spend our birthday together.

dandee said...

we've been hearing about this birthday for months. so glad the reality lived up to his anticipation.

such a cute boy!