Monday, March 24, 2008

A Happy Easter!

In other news:
  • Brian told Chandler he could quit piano when he memorizes all the hymns in hymnbook. "That's not bad," he said. He must have forgotten that I told him he could quit when he knows how to play all the hymns.
  • After opening up all his eggs from the hunt on Saturday, Carson said [with obvious disappointment] "I don't know why everyone likes jelly beans!" Not enough chocolate in his eggs I guess.
  • "I don't love you mom, I only love dad." That's what Baden tells me in a matter-of-fact way at least 10 times a day. What's the psychology behind that?
  • I've been M.I.A. the last week because my favorite one-year-old daughter, does not, in fact, enjoy teething especially when it's her molars. In spite of this, Kate has graduated from the army crawl to all fours this past week. Cause for celebration indeed.
  • I am happy today because a. the sun is shining b. there is no wind c. my mom invited us over for dinner tonight so I don't have to cook.
  • Our first ever family garden is under way. Brian has torn out the grass and cornered it off with railroad ties. Anyone need 250 sq. ft of sod?

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