Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday- A Glimpse of Heaven

It was such a happy reunion yesterday. Clara was very solemn at first, I think she thought she was dreaming. Then all of a sudden, she perked up and we saw a side of her that hasn't been present in this little hospital room all week. Pure joy! I can't believe we didn't get a picture of Brian and I as well with the children. It was a happy day. Clara had enough desire and energy to go on her first wagon ride around the halls. The kids discovered "the drawer" stocked by friends and family with goodies they don't find in the pantry at home :) It was a heavenly reunion, one I hope we can have often.  

We thought Clara could use some more Kate time so she stayed in Spokane while the boys went back home last night. In her true Kate style ran around the floor greeting other children in their rooms, zooming around in the toy car and generally acting like she owned the place.

She and Brian went home tonight. Brian is getting a cold and needed to go home, much to our dismay.  

I had hoped that Clara and I might be able to return home for a day or two this week, after this first round of chemo was finished, but the oncologist on call this morning didn't think that would be a good idea. A little disappointing, yes, but we will survive this "new normal." As I hugged Brian goodbye tonight I told him, "we can do this". "Yes we can," he agreed. And it because of every note, text, email, phone call and visit we have received. I can't express this enough, the support, prayers, and love we feel from everyone is comforting and appreciated. We truly feel you are bearing our burdens. Thank you.

One week down, many more to go. 


Emily Ferrell said...

Your kids look so cute together. I can't believe how old they are getting. I had to take a minute to decide who was Chandler, Carson, and Baden. I am so glad they got to come visit Clara and make her feel back to her normal self. I am praying for you guys and I know that you guys can do this because you are some of the strongest people I know. We love you guys.

tharker said...

I bet she just loved having her brothers and sister there with her. So sweet!

Speaking of Kate...I was at Lindsay's house a few days ago when she had Kate over to play with Chloe and I have to say, I'm a little bit infatuated with your little Miss Kate! She is absolutely adorable.

You have quite the pair of cute girls, Natasha!

Sonja said...

You have beautiful children, they are all so big. We're keeping you all in our thoughts!