Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Flock of Chicks

It was my turn to give last night's Family Home Evening lesson. I chose the topic of service, you know because we might have a child in the family who thinks that he has "to do everything for this family." I read about this organization earlier and made a proposal that was eventually unanimously approved. We had to vote a couple of times. Someone was concerned that he would lose all his mission savings and convinced that he'd always have to "work, work, work". Someday, I'll let him in on the secret that I schemed this whole idea to help him. We decided our first gift (after we earn the money doing jobs around the house) would be some of these. An appropriate choice, I think.


Chelsea said...

While I was babysitting, Carson kept telling me that you were going to by chickens to raise. I had no idea what he was talking about.

l.a.c. said...

this is truly the BEST idea! what a way to teach children the power of service by GIVING a necessity for sustainable growth. brilliant! i have read about some of the many projects they offer, all so worthwhile. thank you for sharing :)

terramisu said...

Wow! You are an amazing woman! You not only have a clean and orderly house, well taught and well- behaved kids, but also time to read! I am reading the Harry Potter series- but somehow don't think my kids are benefiting from it! Good to see you are a Blogger!

Natasha said...

Are you serious?

♥miss~mattie♥ said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog.
I love the chick. It is so cute.
Give Kate a hug for me.

dandee said...

Great idea! Yes, the chickens are a very appropriate choice!

Today's conversation in the car on the way to school:

Easton: Why is your hair wet?
Chandler: It's because of my mom! She's crazy with the comb!

Debie Spurgeon said...

I think we sometimes don't realize how simple, small things mean so much to some people who don't have much. What a great family project!!