Figuratively speaking we all want to swim, or at least keep our head above water. Why is it so hard to do sometimes? I've been thinking a lot lately about balance and trying to keep from sinking. I thought about some of my "flotation devices" so to speak that keep me afloat. Nothing groundbreaking of course, but sometimes I forget that I have access to these, or what a powerful, yet simple tool they can be.
- This magazine: February's issue has taught me, edified me, and strengthened me. Goldmine. That's all I will say.
- Exercise: I've started rolling out of my electric blanket warm bed @ 4:30 two mornings a week to meet a friend at the gym to lift some iron. The other days (most of the time) I run.
- Church: Sundays are often a juggling act and to remember what I heard is...hard. But, I always try and remember one thing to take away from the meeting, if I can write it down, that's a bonus. It might be an impression, something I need to work on, or a topic I need to study more. When I do this I leave from the 3 hour block with something to carry me through the week.
- Timeout: What momma doesn't need a timeout? I sure I do. Some weeks I need more than one!
- Prayer: I read this scripture the other day. He wants to help me with this. Do I try and do things the hard way sometimes? Yes. So I am working on doing better at this.
- Friends: Some are related, some are old, some are new, but they all are just what I need.
- Scripture Study: I have had a more meaningful and a more inspired scripture study the last 6 months as I have kept a scripture journal. I remember more of what I'm reading and learning and would say I notice more. This has added a whole new dimension to personal application of the scriptures. It took me way to long to start this!
Keep swimming! What keeps you "afloat"?
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